MAGNIFICENT - Microalgae As a Green source for Nutritional Ingredients for Food/Feed and Ingredients for Cosmetics by cost-Effective New Technologies, is a 4-year project funded by BBI-RIA (Bio-based Industries Research and Innovation Action) with an EU contribution of EUR 5.330.572,50.
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MARINEBLUEREFINE, a cooperation between MadeBiotech and Madeira University, is a scientific research project that aimed at valorizing the waste from the fish industry, an economic sector linked to marine resources and framed in the blue economy field. When compared to the bovine processing industry, only 30 to 50% of the fish is used. The remainder is somewhat of an environmental problem that implies an extra cost for the regional companies to dispose of.
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MadeBiotech will be present at Algae Europe Conference (Lisbon, Portugal) between 1-3 December, which "offers a unique opportunity for the exchange between academia and industry on the Algae Biomass sector".
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In this agreement, besides the recognition of common objectives like the scientific, technological and cultural development of Madeira Region, are also laid down the general conditions of collaboration which will allow for the development of join actions and projects in several scientific areas.
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The mutual recognition of scientific and technological quality and the common interest in developing the macaronesian region through research, development and innovation, led these two institutions to sign this protocol, under which several activities will be planned and developed.
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